I am Graciela and I have been a Clinical Psychologist for almost 15 years (License number 01/24912). I am a Psychotherapist who works with Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT).
After some years, working as a Psychotherapist in Australia, I came back to Brazil. My previous experiences included, but were not limited to teach, research and perform military service.
During my clinical practice, I have helped many people to make significant changes in their lives. During the sessions conducted by me, I will do my best to work with your needs and address subjects which will be preserved with all confidentiality and respect.
Online and face-to-face service for adults suitable for Portuguese and English speakers.
I seek to integrate the latest in academic research to psychotherapy sessions. In addition, the treatment plan is highly personalized and built based on the needs of those who are seeking follow-up.
Graciela Coelho do Espírito Santo is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in working with adults. Sessions are held in Portuguese or English.
This website does not offer support or counseling sessions for people who are in crisis.
In case of emergency, go to the nearest hospital.
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If there's an immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please call: Australia - 000; China - 120; Europe - 112; Hong Kong - 999; India - 112; Japan - 119; USA/Canada - 911; UK - 999 or 55.
Webdesigner: Elen Cezar – Coletivo Intersomos Ensaio Fotográfico: Fabiola Schmidt Fotos: Unsplash Revisão textual: Professora Msc. Emanuele Bitencourt Neves Camani Revisão técnica: Psiquiatra Eusaline Soares Siqueira CRM-DF 12740 e Psicólogo Matheus Schreiner CRP-SC 12264
This company is committed to safe and inclusive spaces, policies and services for people from minority communities and their families.