Serviços e Informações

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Psychological support for pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium

Pregnancy is always associated with significant changes in the psychological functioning of the pregnant woman and this often leads to ambivalence and mood swings. In this follow-up, the pregnant woman and/or couple are monitored and supported.

Psychological consultation 

Gathering relevant information regarding development, family history, medical history, previous treatments and onset of symptoms. Investigation of the client's life events, traumas, successes and consideration of the particularities of the person seeking treatment. Finally, a feedback session is held on the important points observed during the assessment period and therapeutic goals are set.


1:1 psychotherapeutic process comprising usually weekly sessions lasting 50 minutes.

Supervision of psychological activities

Supervision of professional psychologists in relation to their professional practice.


Do you cover my health insurance?

Health insurance is by reimbursement only. To apply, you need to contact your health insurance company and ask for information on their reimbursement policies. It should be noted that the request must be made within the time limit set by the plan itself. The request must be accompanied by certain documents, which are usually: a medical referral, an invoice for the psychological consultation and a report.

According to ANS resolution no. 541 of July 11, 2022, there is no limit on the number of sessions for psychology. It should be noted that a medical referral is sufficient to start and continue the service. (Brazilian policies for health insurance - if you are not in Brazil please check with your provider for more information)

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment based on the relationship established between a person and a psychologist. It is the role of the psychologist to provide a welcoming space that allows patients to speak openly with someone who is technically skilled, objective, neutral and non-judgmental. Most psychotherapies focus on individual treatment, but psychotherapists also work with couples, families and groups.

Will I become dependent on medication?

Antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are not addictive. The psychotropic drugs that can lead to chemical and psychological dependence are those with a black stripe, such as those popularly called "tranquilizers" (e.g. diazepam) and the famous ADHD medications.

When the doctor recommends not stopping the psychotropic drug on your own or suddenly, it is to avoid relapses of the mental disorder itself and also the withdrawal syndrome (present in some drugs), which is usually quite unpleasant.

How many sessions will I need to get better?

Treatment time will vary from one individual to another. In practice, treatment will take into account the nature and severity of the difficulties presented by the person seeking treatment, since acute conditions generally require fewer sessions than chronic difficulties, for example.

Can you predict results?

As extremely complex individuals, it is important to remember that there is still no "one size fits all" psychotherapeutic approach. “one size fits all (mesmo modo para todos)”In other words, different methods address the specific needs of people seeking relief from their suffering. 

Offering a guarantee of results is inappropriate and can lead to false hopes. The only thing I can guarantee is that I develop highly personalized, quality treatments and offer my time, energy and genuine interest in the demands brought up in session, but I cannot guarantee positive results as this can vary from person to person and also depends on the patient's adherence to the treatment.

Answered questions via Doctoralia


Dopamine can increase intelligence or courage?

It's a broad question, but I'll try to be practical and objective. Like most aspects of human behavior and cognition, intelligence is a complex trait that is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. In the scientific field, it is a difficult topic to study as it can be defined and measured in different ways. There is a theory that attributes the origins of human intelligence to an expansion of dopaminergic systems. Dopamine is seen as one of the key neurotransmitters for cognitive abilities critical for language and thought and although it is best known for its role in pleasure and reward, it is also known to play a role in aspects of cognition and behavior, such as working memory, reasoning, reflective exploratory behavior and general intelligence. Recent research conducted by the Yale School of Medicine and published in the journal Science established a significant relationship between dopamine and ↑ intelligence. Finally, other studies suggest that too much dopamine in some areas of the brain and too little in others can lead to greater impulsivity, poor impulse control and aggression, and can also interfere with the presentation of mental health conditions such as: binge eating, pathological gambling, attention deficit & hyperactivity.

"Paroxetine and the same effect as normal pondera I take paroxetine then I run out of normal pondera can I take fans the same effect"

In theory, this wouldn't be a problem because it's the same active ingredient (paroxetine). However, in practice it has been observed that this type of alteration can influence the response to pharmacological treatment. I suggest you contact your prescriber for the most appropriate advice.

Does sertraline only cause a delay or does your period not come?

Before answering your question, I'd like to point out that mental health problems are interconnected with the menstrual cycle. For example, a person with depression releases more cortisol than a healthy person. Okay, but what is cortisol? It's the famous stress hormone. It acts as a messenger to a very important region of the brain, the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is that part of the brain which, among other functions, "warns" the ovaries to release an egg during the fertile period, but cortisol has a significant effect on this area, causing the messages not to arrive properly. As a result, we may see a delay and/or interruption in ovulation, which in practice is translated as delayed menstruation or a period that "doesn't come”. Your question is the doubt of many patients and also of health professionals. Although the relationship between abnormalities in the menstrual cycle and the use of antidepressants is a less common phenomenon, it is still possible to observe this effect in clinical practice - especially during the first three months of use. If you've noticed changes in your menstrual cycle, it's important to make an appointment with your psychiatrist and, if possible, a gynecologist. These professionals will certainly carry out a careful clinical assessment to rule out organic causes.

I'd like to know if Citalopram interferes with a woman's libido?

I believe that the main points have already been clarified by my colleagues. I would add that in order to deal with the sexual side effects of SSRIs, some actions can be taken: discussing with the prescriber the possibility of associating a selective noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (e.g. Wellbutrin) or changing to another antidepressant, since scientific evidence suggests that when sexual symptoms appear as a side effect of using an SSRI, this is one of the side effects that does not disappear even after weeks of treatment.

Does amitriptyline take away sexual libido? Can it also make you fat?

Some of the side effects of Amitriptyline are, precisely, a decrease in libido and difficulties in the phases of sexual response. It is known that depression influences libido and that drug treatment can help, but it is not uncommon for the use of psychotropic drugs to cause sexual dysfunction. However, for some people this side effect disappears over the course of treatment. Tricyclic antidepressants can cause increased appetite and, consequently, weight gain.I recommend that you go back to the doctor who prescribed the medication and report the symptoms you have observed so that he or she can reassess you and give you the best support.

Antidepressivos tricíclicos podem causar aumento de apetite e, consequentemente, ganho de peso.

Recomendo que você retorne ao médico que prescreveu a medicação supracitada e informe os sintomas observados para que ele (a) possa lhe reavaliar e apoiar você da melhor maneira.

I've been taking desvenlafaxine 50 mg for a month and I've been having insomnia for a week. I'd like to know what I can do.

I think the main points have already been clarified by my colleagues. It is important to point out that if the symptom you are experiencing is something new, worse and/or is worrying you a lot, you should contact your prescriber as soon as possible (Pfizer, 2021; Reference ID: 4887132). Furthermore, in a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, the findings suggest that the incidence of insomnia is higher among individuals who have used Bupropion or Desvenlafaxine.

I've been taking desvenlafaxine 50 mg for a month and I've been having insomnia for a week. I'd like to know what I can do.

I think the main points have already been clarified by my colleagues. It is important to point out that if the symptom you are experiencing is something new, worse and/or is worrying you a lot, you should contact your prescriber as soon as possible (Pfizer, 2021; Reference ID: 4887132). Furthermore, in a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, the findings suggest that the incidence of insomnia is higher among individuals who have used Bupropion or Desvenlafaxine.

Answered questions via Doctoralia


Does cognitive behavioral therapy talk about neutral thinking?

In CBT, "neutral" thoughts are often referred to as balanced/rational thoughts. These thoughts are an essential part of the cognitive restructuring process, which is a central component of CBT. Cognitive restructuring involves identifying and questioning irrational and/or negative thoughts and replacing them with more realistic and balanced thoughts. When a person has an image distortion and thinks they are one way, does their body change and become the way they think they are? For example, does thinking you have a thick arm for a long time make you have a thick arm? There is no evidence to prove that thoughts alone are capable of altering the physical appearance of the body in a substantial and/or immediate way. Thoughts and emotions are capable of influencing various aspects related to general well-being, which can in some way influence how we look and feel. If your worries are intense, time-consuming and have a direct impact on your daily life, I strongly suggest that you seek professional help - this is essential for you to have access to a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Remember that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a widely used and effective treatment for this type of demand.

When a person has image distortion and thinks they are a certain way, does their body start to change and become what the person thinks they are? Does thinking about having thick arms for a long time make you have thick arms?

There is no evidence to prove that thoughts alone are capable of substantially and/or immediately altering the physical appearance of the body. Thoughts and emotions are capable of influencing various aspects related to general well-being, which can somehow influence how we see and feel. If your concerns are intense, consume a lot of time and directly impact your daily life, I strongly suggest that you seek professional help – this is essential so that you have access to an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Remembering that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a widely used and effective treatment for this type of demand.

I take fluoxetine and cyclobenzaprine. Can I take 0.25mg of rivotril if I have a sudden crisis?

I think the main points have already been clarified by my colleagues. I would point out that psychotropic drugs offer better results when combined with psychotherapy - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help you a lot in managing your symptoms.

I'd like to know why I have a depressive crisis after an incredible day with the people I love. The day may have been incredible, but when I get home, I feel extremely sad and very nostalgic.

Feeling sad and/or depressed after a seemingly amazing day with the people you love can be really confusing and discouraging. This can happen for a few reasons:

1) Emotional exhaustion: not infrequently social interactions - even with people we love - can drain us emotionally and generate fatigue and tiredness;

2) Social comparison: during some encounters some involuntary comparisons can take place (perceiving others as happier, more successful) and this can be a trigger for the feeling of inadequacy and generate sadness/depressed mood;

3) Masking true feelings: on a special day with the people we love, we may feel "obliged" to show happiness and hide our true emotions, and afterwards, when alone, maintaining the façade is not necessary. Then the sadness resurfaces;

4) Unrealistic expectations: if your expectations of how you "should" be feeling after an amazing day are too high, you may be disappointed and feel very sad regardless of the positive aspects of your day; and

5) Underlying issues: sadness and depressed mood after a day considered amazing can also be a sign of underlying emotional issues or even a mental health condition. Sometimes positive experiences can act as a distraction, but when you get home the emotions find their way back to the surface. Finally, it's important to remember that feeling sad after a good day is a normal human experience and it doesn't cancel out the positive effects your day has had. Emotions are transitory and it's natural for them to fluctuate. However, if you notice that these emotions persist or interfere with your daily life, it would be very important to seek professional help so that you can understand what is happening, develop healthy coping mechanisms and learn to navigate these emotions effectively.

I have a question. Does the person who usually says everything to their face, everything they think without caring if it's going to embarrass, humiliate or psychologically affect them have a psychological problem or is it part of their personality?

I think the main points have already been explained by my colleagues. I would add that the lack of a filter and impulsiveness you describe could be symptoms of a mental disorder, a lack of social tact and/or emotional immaturity.